Welfare And Entertainment - Liberty And Travel

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Liberty, as the Navy refers to passes, is a routinely authorized absence like the weekend provided scheduled work/school hours are Monday through Friday. During World War II NATTC navy regulation stated: "Enlisted personnel of this command shall, at all times, remain within a radius of 50 miles, measured from the Cleveland County Courthouse at Norman, Oklahoma, unless in possession of a fifty-mile pass complete as to all information indicated and signed by a Regimental Duty Officer." Below was the official map found on page 8 of On The Beach In Oklahoma. Click to view the map enlarged.

NATTC Fifty-Mile Radius Map

Below and on the left is an actual train ticket for Sgt G. W. Szody, USMC, who was stationed at NATTC, Norman. The ticket shows he departed Salt Lake City, Utah on May 2, 1945 aboard a tourist car on the Union Pacific Railroad. He then switched to the Atchison, Topeka and Sante Fe Railway Company in Denver, Colorado on May 3rd. From there he proceeded to Oklahoma City then Norman where he arrived on May 4th. His last stop was the Sante Fe Depot in Norman pictured below on the right. This photo was taken in 1960 and you can see the old armory building in the background where the USO was during World War II. Sadly the old armory building was torn down in the 1970s and another treasure was lost, replaced with an unaesthetic modern building and parking lot. Though, to Norman's credit, the town did restore the old depot to it's earlier splendor and since have added the Legacy Trail Park with beautiful commemorative displays of the city's vibrant history including the naval bases. A smart move on their part!

NATTC Train Ticket
8 Pages

Santa Fe Train Depot
Norman, Oklahoma 1960

NATTC Liscence Plate
Navy Vehicle

Copyright © 2019 Oklahoma Naval Air History
Website created by Joel Silvey, 2019