Welfare And Entertainment - Ship's Service / Commissary

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Ship's Service (Also Known As The PX)

Each of the four recreation buildings, 22 through 25, housed a ship's service. The function of a ship's service was to serve as a all-purpose store where station peronnel could shop for various things of interest. Souvenirs and postcards of the station were popular items frequently purchased. Click here to see several SOUVENIRS actually purchased at NATTC during WWII. The Ship's Service also functioned as canteens where station personnel could buy soda, ice cream and even beer. Interesting side note here, while Oklahoma served only 3.2 beer during this time period the base served the standard 6.0 beer. Cash could not be used, instead coupons had to be purchased. They came in a booklet and could not be detached or they became void. Keep in mind $1.00 in 1943 was the equivilent to $16.95 in 2019. The two photos below show the actual coupon booklet and a coupon booth in one of the Ship's Service at NATTC.

1944 Coupon Booklet

1946 Coupon Booklet

Coupon Purchase Booth

NATTC Recreation Building


The purpose of the Commissary Store is to furnish a convenient means for the procurement of necessaries for members of the Naval Service. Dependents of members of the other branches of the Armed Services who resided in the local area were also allowed to purchase in the Commissary Store. The total number of military peronnel in the area in and around Norman, Oklahoma was approximately twice the size of the Norman population during World War II. The Commissary Store was located in Warehouse Building 111. All warehouse buildings were directly supplied by a spur off of the Sante Fe railroad tracks just east of the base. An ID card was required when making purchases. Included below (blue card) was the ID card for a service member stationed at the Naval Air Station on the north side of Norman. Unlike the Ship's Service all purchases were made in cash upon presentation of one's ID.

Commissary - Warehouse Bldg 111

Inside View Commissary

Commissary ID

Copyright © 2019 Oklahoma Naval Air History
Website created by Joel Silvey, 2019