Welfare And Entertainment
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Not to be mistaken for the Welfare Department at NATTC this subcategory generically encompasses all naval activity at NATTC directed at the entertainment or well-being of all station personnel. This would include, but not limited to, things such as USO Camp Shows, dances, concerts and stage performances, holiday parties and meals, competitive sports, liberty, transportation and travel. This section will almost certainly grow and change over time especially as new material surfaces.

Preble Street, which ran from north and south right down the center of the base buildings, was the equivilent of Main Street in a typical small American town. Along the east side of Preble Street were the station mess halls, medical facilities, post office, cold storage and bakery. Along the west side of Preble Street were four large recreation buildings, Bldg 22-25, three large swimming pools, station chapel and a large laundry/dry clean service. Additionally at the northwest side of the station was a large auditorium / gymnasium, Bldg 92 where most of the dances and USO Camp Shows were held. Each recreation building had its own ship's service which was a store for station personnel to shop at and a canteen. Two recreation buildings also featured movie theaters. It was at the canteens where the sailors, WAVES and station personnel would gather socially.

Copyright © 2019 Oklahoma Naval Air History
Website created by Joel Silvey, 2019